Thursday, January 2, 2025

Traveling with the Schroeders--Wisconsin via the U.P.

We were able to skip town after Christmas for a short run to Wisconsin.  For the sake of the scenic view, we went over the top of Lake Michigan.  We stay in Mackinaw City.  Not surprisingly, it was pretty dead.  There were perhaps two hotels open and restaurants were limited.  Nevertheless, we enjoyed seeing the main street all lit up, as well as the Mackinac Bridge.

From there, we drove down the east side of Wisconsin to see family in Fond du Lac, including my mother who just turned 90.  We had some nice family time with her and with my brother and his family before making the trip back.  Time to get back to planning for Sunday and beyond.

Peter at the Big Boy in West Branch, MI.

The quiet streets of Mackinaw City.

Update from Good Shepherd (January 2, 2025)



Divine Service is Sunday at 10:00 AM.
Sunday School is on Sunday at 9:00 AM.
Adult Bible Class is on Sunday at 9:00 AM.
Bible Matters meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.

CALENDAR: For a calendar of events and meetings, click here.


          Here is a video to introduce people to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Novi. Share it as much as you can.


          Following the service this Sunday (January 5), we will be taking down all the Christmas decorations inside and outside the church.  We welcome as many as can stick around so that we can complete this as quickly as possible.  Your participation is appreciated.

          Private Confession and Absolution will be available to anyone without appointment on Monday, January 6, 7:00-9:00 PM.  If you have never observed this rite before, Pastor Schroeder will walk you through it to give you familiarity with it and to explain anything unclear about its purpose.  

          Bible Matters meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.  We welcome all for this discussion group.  This winter’s topic will be “Jesus responds to challenges by his enemies.”  These challenges were hurled at Jesus during Holy Week in an attempt to accuse him of false teaching and practice.  A detailed schedule can be found here


          We will be starting up a new Bible Information Class in the new year. The classes will be on Mondays from 7:00-8:30 PM. The start date will be Monday, January 13. The schedule can be viewed here. There is no cost. To register, contact Pastor Schroeder at
          Who might you invite to this class and attend it with them? 


>    The church council approved expenditures of up to $15,000 for updating the kitchen at the church.  We will save on the cost of new cabinets by ordering them sooner rather than later, although we do not expect them to arrive until perhaps early March.  Renovations will not occur until after Easter to allow us to use our existing kitchen for Lenten dinners and Easter breakfast.

>    We discussed the possibility of adding a handicapped-accessible push-button entrance for the church.  It is possible that some grants will make this a less expensive project.  However, we also discussed adding an air-lock to the church entryway so that the winter winds do not whip right down the hallway.  That would be a more costly project, but would be a welcome addition to our entrance.  This is still in the discussion stage.  And as long as we were discussing ideas, we considered updating our bathrooms so that they would meet current handicapped-accessible codes.  This would likely increase the size of both bathrooms and would have the pastor’s office moved to a new location.

>  New flooring was installed in part of the parsonage basement.  There are about 100 sq. feet of extra flooring available for anyone who wants them.  They will be in an unused Sunday School classroom throughout the month of January.  After that, they will hit the curb and be free to the public.

>    If you would like to see a copy of the budget for the 2025 year, please contact Dan LeFevre.

          We will always have services as scheduled at Good Shepherd. Since I live across the parking lot, I can get to the church no matter how bad the weather gets. Even if the service is just me and my family, we will be here. For everyone else, please use your God-given common sense to determine whether or not you will get on the road to attend any service when the weather is bad. We don't want anyone to risk his or her life to be here. But if you do venture out, the scheduled service will take place. It may be only a handful with a cappella singing and/or spoken liturgy, but we will be here.
           Bible Classes and meetings may be canceled due to weather. Check your email regarding announcements to see if any of those scheduled events are canceled. If there is no email about it, it is not canceled. But again, use common sense to determine if you can make it, and call the pastor to let him know if you will not be coming.

          The made. known. website was introduced at the WELS Youth Rally earlier this summer. is dedicated to “walking with you in faith through identity, gender, and sexuality.” It does this through a growing library of written resources and connection to personal support.
          We pray can be a resource to you as you embrace Christ’s enduring message of grace and forgiveness for yourself and your loved ones.


          Services are uploaded to YouTube each week. Feel free to share the videos. Here is the service from December 25, 2024: (481) Good Shepherd Novi, Divine Service, Christmas Day - YouTube

            The pastor will try to hold formal office hours Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM – Noon. It should be noted that some meetings are scheduled for those times. It is best to call or text to confirm any meetings with the pastor (248-719-5218).
          Look for Good Shepherd on Facebook. Then “LIKE” us for updates and other postings. Be sure to share posts with friends.

          We desire as many as possible to rejoice in the Gospel which we proclaim and confess. Share the information from our weekly email blast, links to our web page, and even to the pastor's blog to let others know that we have a space in our congregation for them!

In Christ,
Pastor Schroeder


DIVINE SERVICES are on Sundays at 10:00 AM.

Sunday School -- Sundays at 9:00 AM.  
Adult Bible Class -- Sundays at 9:00 AM.  
Bible Matters -- Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.



Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Bible Matters -- Winter Session 2025

Bible Matters is a discussion group that enables God’s people to become more comfortable in discussing matters of the Christian faith and more confident in defending the Bible’s teachings.  We encourage open dialogue and welcome bold questions.  All are welcome to consider how God’s word addresses various topics.

This winter’s topic will be “Jesus responds to challenges by his enemies.”  These challenges were hurled at Jesus during Holy Week in an attempt to accuse him of false teaching and practice.  Our winter sessions will be:

January 8             Hosanna’s forbidden (Matthew 21:12-17)

January 15           The withered fig tree (Matthew 21:18-22)

January 22           Where does Jesus’ authority come from? (Matt. 21:23-27)

January 29           The parable of two sons (Matthew 21:28-31)

February 5           Paying taxes to Caesar (Matthew 22:15-22)

February 12          Life after the resurrection (Matthew 22:23-33)

February 19          What is the greatest commandment? (Matt. 22:34-40)

February 26         David’s Son and David’s Lord (Matthew 22:41-46)

March 5 is Ash Wednesday.

YouTube -- Christmas Day (December 25, 2024)

Here is the Divine Service from Christmas Day, 2024.