Monday, June 3, 2013

That's NOT Lutheran

It was not long ago that the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) voted not merely to permit openly gay and lesbian members, but to have and ordain openly gay and lesbian clergy in their congregations.  Therefore, this little piece of news should come as no surprise, as grievous as it is.  The ELCA has elected its first (stand by for more to follow) openly gay bishop.  For a review on this story, go to this link:

A man who had been ordained a mere two years ago has been elected to the position of bishop.  Words of praise have been pouring out from ELCA representatives as they congratulate themselves and declare that they are "proud to be Lutheran."  Sadly, their actions are not Lutheran or Scriptural or Christian.  The world will cherish them for this.  The Lord has other words.

Pray that the Lord of the Church will lead them to repent. 
Pray that the Lord would keep us bold to confess and act according to his word. 
Lord, have mercy.

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