Saturday, July 1, 2023

For Your Amusement: License Plates

When you are driving across Kansas on I-70, you have LOTS of time to think about things.  Rather than play the license plate game where you collect as many different states as you can find, I decided to rate the license plates.  This completely subjective judgment is passed along for you to consider.  Feel free to disagree.  If you have a case for a license plate, offer more than, "Oh, yeah?  Well, what about Wisconsin?!?"  

The license plates here are the standard issue plates that are current (to the best of my knowledge) from each state.  Many states have many multiple alternative plates which are arguably nicer than their standard ones.  But there are way too many of those to sift through.

Some states had really nice plates, but their latest versions are steps back.  Two in particular stand out.  Consider South Carolina and Michigan.

The latest version.

An older version.

An older version.

This plate is an old one, but this is also the current release for Michigan license plates.  You may fine "old school" plates enduring, but it is a step back from what Michigan had recently issued.

An older version.  Detroit on the upper left; up north on the upper right.  The Mackinac Bridge on the bottom, and the Great Lakes in the middle.  This was Michigan's best plate.

An older version.

Anyway, here is my top ten, acknowledging that some states have some pretty nice license plates which did not make the cut.

10.  Vermont.  This plate is not spectacular, but it has been a consistent classic.  It is the Cleveland Browns football helmet of license plates.  Simple, plain, constant, easy to recognize.  Don't change.

9.  Utah.  This would be higher on the list, but the image of the arch is a regionally specific image.  Still, Arches National Park is amazing, and you should go there.

8.  North Carolina.  When you can include a significant historical event, I will give you appropriate credit.  The color scheme probably makes Tarheel fans happy; Duke may have preferred a darker shade of blue.  But I like it.

7.  Washington.  A nice design.  Having Mt. Rainier as the background is nice, even if it is regionally restrictive.  It is better than the Space Needle would be.  I think this has been a pretty consistent design, and it does not need to change.  

6.  Minnesota.  The color scheme is excellent.  The plate has been consistent for decades.  And the state is well represented.  The canoe in the upper middle is a nice touch.

5.  Oregon.  A simple design with mountains in the background, but the pine tree in the middle makes it great.

4.  North Dakota.  They managed to put a lot into a license plate and still have the letters and numbers clearly visible.  It does a lot to advertise tourism for the state.

3.  Florida.  A simple design with the oranges and blossoms in the center, overlaying the state outline. Easily recognized and readable.  Well done.

2.  Arizona.  The colors are reflective of the state's landscape.  It is also easy to recognize and legible.  Mountains.  Cacti.  Sunset.  Sweet!

1.  Maine.  In my opinion, this license plate is almost perfection.  It is clean, clearly displays the information, and represents Maine.  Unlike some license plates which highlight one small part of the state, the pine cone and bird would be seen anywhere.  The forest at the bottom is nice, too.  Nice job, Maine!

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