Friday, May 4, 2018

The Pastor's Daily Prayer (Part 13 of 13)

The Pastor's Daily Prayer
(paragraph 13 of 13)

The following paragraph comes from the Pastor's Daily Prayer from The Lutheran Agenda (c) 1941.  It has been slightly edited (thee's and thou's to you and yours) to make it sound a bit less archaic; nonetheless, some archaic terms have been retained for the sake of endearment of the original version.

Hear me, most merciful God, in these my humble requests, which I offer up to you in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, world without end.  Amen.

As with all prayers, we pray as children of the heavenly Father, adopted into his family by the work of Jesus and by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  We pray that God will do his will, that we be included in that will, and that our will conform to his.  No matter what, we trust that our Father in heaven will do what is best for his Church and for us as individuals in his Church.  While we recognize that God does not owe us anything, we trust that our Father in heaven remains good and merciful.  We hold God to his promises, which honors him since we believe he is not lying to us in his promises, but that he will do exactly what he has said.  

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