Divine Service is Sunday at 10:00 AM.
Sunday School is on Sunday at 9:00 AM.
Adult Bible Class is on Sunday at 9:00 AM.
Bible Matters meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.
For a calendar of events and meetings, click here.
Here is a video to introduce people to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Novi. Share it as much as you can.
Why do Lutherans worship the way they do? What makes us different, and why?
Our Bible study, entitled, “Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him!” considers how the Bible lays the foundation for our worship so that we gain a greater appreciation for our Lutheran heritage. After all, “We’ve always done it that way” is not a good foundation. There has to be a reason we’ve done it a certain way.
All are welcome to consider these matters and to ask questions about “Why this?” or “Why that?” You can even bring up criticisms you’ve heard or had, and we will assess if they are valid and how they can be resolved.
Adult Bible Class beings promptly at 9:00 AM on Sundays. All are welcome. The schedule is here.
Our spring session for Bible Matters, a discussion group, is working through portions of the book of Judges. Judges was an era of problems for the people of Israel--self-inflicted problems. God's people suffered the consequences of godless behavior.
The tentative schedule is here. Bible Matters begins at 6:30 PM. NOTE: There is NO CLASS on Wednesday, May 8.
On Saturday, May 4, the men of Good Shepherd will be pleased to prepare a brunch for the ladies of our congregation and any guests you would like to invite. Brunch will be served at 10:00 AM, but the ladies are welcome to stay and chat as long as they please. We welcome girls and women alike.
Due to its popularity, we will be asking for an RSVP ( this year so that we will know how many we should prepare for.
On Sunday, May 5 after church, the Ladies of Good Shepherd will be hosting a bridal shower for Lindsey Casmer. Lindsey will be marrying Jake Vega-Miranda on Friday, May 24.
We will be having a potluck as the meal. Lindsey is gluten and dairy free so if anyone has a particular recipe that speaks to that, please let me know! (Her Mom will be bringing something she can have as well.)
Gift Registry: Lindsey and Jake are registered at Amazon and Target. We welcome our new members and hope you can join us for fun and fellowship. Please do not feel obligated to bring a gift; your presence is your present. Our Ladies’ Group will also be giving Lindsey a gift on behalf of the women in the congregation.
Spring Cleaning at Good Shepherd
On Saturday, May 11 from 9:00 AM – Noon, we will be meeting at church to do some deep cleaning. We will be focused on the church entryway, the fellowship hall, and the pastor’s office. Besides cleaning, there may also be some purging. We encourage you to offer an hour or so to make sure that we are properly caring for God’s house.
> A down payment of about $13,000 was paid to the Johnson Sign Co. to begin the work on installing the LED sign for church. It will be two sided and will be positioned perpendicular to the traffic on 9 Mile Road. Offerings for the new sign can still be given. You may designate your donations to “New Sign”. To date over $900 has been donated for the $27,000 cost.
> A one-day evangelism seminar called “Everyone Outreach” will be offered at Good Shepherd. The presenter will be Pastor Norman Burger of Shepherd of the Hills in Lansing. The seminar is to assist us in establishing an outreach culture that permeates through the whole congregation. We hope to have a great turnout as we want this culture to affect all of us. The seminar will be held in September, and a date will be announced in the coming month(s).
> Dan Schneider has had contact with the City of Novi to see if they will follow up on their proposal to install a new, more handicapped friendly sidewalk. It would go out the door to the south and end at about the 4th parking space on the east side of the parking lot. If the City of Novi has the funds to install it, they will likely try to get it done before the November election.
> Good Shepherd has enjoyed an influx of new members, mostly from Lola Park Lutheran Church. Our goal is to engage and involve the newer members as much as possible. We will be presenting ways for people to join in our efforts and invite people to participate as much as they like to. Some of these opportunities will be presented at our Get-To-Know-You Mixer on April 21. Pastor Schroeder also intends to make home visits with these newer members. Questions about Good Shepherd and involvement in our ministry can be addressed then, too.
We desire as many as possible to rejoice in the Gospel which we proclaim and confess. Share the information from our weekly email blast, links to our web page, and even to the pastor's blog to let others know that we have a space in our congregation for them!
In Christ,
Pastor Schroeder
DIVINE SERVICES are on Sundays at 10:00 AM
Sunday School -- Sundays at 9:00 AM
Adult Bible Class -- Sundays at 9:00 AM
Bible Matters meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.