Friday, August 3, 2012

And so it begins....

After avoidance, with trepidation, kicking and screaming all the way, I have submitted myself to starting a blog.  Who knows how well this will go?

Fears:  It will be a time killer.  I will prove myself an idiot.  It will be a distraction from duties that really matter.  Time in the cyber-world will drag me away from the real world and life and such.

Benefits:  It is an outlet for my sermons.  It is a new venue for Good Shepherd's defunct newsletter.  It is another means of contact for family, friends, members, and seekers/lurkers.  It may even produce new friendships.

Oh, well, here we go, off into the fray.  May God bless my efforts, and you as well, dear reader, whomever you may be.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor, Congrats on starting your blog! I know that you have considered doing this for a while, so I'm excited for you to venture into this new territory.

    I must say that I've always had a great deal of respect for Lutheran Pastors, much like the doctors I work with in my career. The dedication beginning with 7 years of college study plus a year of on-the-job training via the vicar year alone is commendable. So, similar to doctors, who dedicate their lives to healing the physical body on earth, you men who chose to be pastors, dedicate their lives to preaching Christ crucified, to heal the soul. Thank you for your efforts!


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