Since the last half of the 20th century, Lutherans have been rediscovering the richness of the ancient Triduum (pronounced TRIH-doo-um) and adapting the traditional services associated with it for use in Evangelical-Lutheran worship. In keeping with their origins, the Triduum services are closely connected with one another. We observe the Triduum as a single service that extends over the “three holy days.”
Thursday, March 29 -- 7:00 PM
The theme of Maundy Thursday, best expressed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. John, is the novum mandatum or “new command” of Jesus that his disciples “love one another.” The institution of the Lord’s Supper sets forth the depth of Jesus’ love and gives power to the Church to live out his command. For the Triduum, Maundy Thursday marks the end of Lent proper. The service begins with the sermon and an exhortation regarding the end of Lent. This unusual arrangement allows the minister to explain the meaning of the Sacrament and the liturgical actions that are to take place so that they may proceed uninterruptedly and vividly from this evening through Good Friday to the Easter Vigil. The action of ceremonially stripping the altar prepares the chancel and the congregation for Good Friday.
Friday, March 30 -- 7:00 PM
The Service of the Seven Words is a service that reviews the seven times in which Jesus spoke at his crucifixion. Each reading is interspersed with silence for meditation, prayers, and hymns. The Service of the Seven Words is intended as the primary Good Friday service and his historically been observed sometime during the “hours of the cross,” between noon and three o’clock. It may also be used in place of the Service of Darkness (Tenebrae) as an evening service, as is the case at Good Shepherd.
Sunday, April 1 -- 7:30 AM
The climax of the Triduum comes in the Vigil of Easter, a service of watching and waiting which utilizes prayer, Scripture, and hymns. The Vigil is composed of four parts.I. The Service of Light focuses on the Paschal Candle, the representation of the unconquered life of Christ.
II. The Service of Lessons uses Old Testament texts that foreshadowed our deliverance and rescue by Jesus.
III. The Service of Holy Baptism emphasizes our baptismal connection to the crucified and risen Christ.
IV. The Service of Holy Communion proclaims the risen Savior and our blessed reconciliation to God.
In the ancient Church, the Vigil began on Saturday and continued through to Easter Dawn. It was at dawn that the cry rang out: “Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” We honor the spirit of the Vigil, beginning our Easter Vigil at an early hour on Easter Sunday. With the service of Easter Dawn, we conclude the Triduum. Our Festival celebration is held at our regular hour of Divine Service, at 10:00 AM.
May the Lord bless us as we observe these “three holy days,” the Triduum.
1) While the Triduum is designed to be one connected services over three days, each part still stands on its own. So, if you are only able to make it for part of the Triduum, you will not feel lost, as if missing Maundy Thursday means that Good Friday will make no sense.
2) You may find it valuable to come ten minutes prior to each portion of the Triduum to read through the bulletin and acquaint yourself with the service. This is also a good time to prepare for worship by prayer and meditation.
3) If you need to have a conversation with someone, please restrict that to the fellowship hall. The chapel will be reserved as a quiet space for prayer and meditation before and after each service. While this is a laudable practice throughout the church year, it is especially necessary since pre-service and post-service music has been suspended for the final weeks of Lent.
Our regular Easter Festival Service will be Sunday, April 1 at 10:00 AM. You may also join us for Easter Breakfast at 8:45 AM. Please let us know if we can expect you at:
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