Thursday, May 30, 2019

Prayer for Ascension Day


M: Blessed Jesus, you ascended to the right hand of your Father’s majesty, power, and glory and now reign as eternal King of kings and Lord of lords.
C: We praise you for your victory over sin, death, Satan, and hell.

M: O ascended Prophet, equip your Church to proclaim the precious gospel message of God’s love for all the world.
C: Give courage to our hearts, power to our words, and success to our efforts.

M: O ascended High Priest, represent us before the Father as his own dear children and heirs.  Defend us against Satan’s every accusation.  Ask for the Father’s rich blessings in our everyday lives.
C: Plead for his mercy and grace on our behalf.

M: O ascended King, direct the affairs of governments and nations that they may serve the best interest of your Church.
C: You are our Lord, Master, and King.

Special prayers and intercessions may follow.

M: Hear us, Lord, as we bring you our private petitions.

Silent prayer.

M: As the disciples lifted their eyes to watch your ascension, so lift our eyes daily to look for your coming again in glory.
C: Lord Jesus, come quickly.  Amen.

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