Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sermon -- 3rd Sunday of End Times: Saints Triumphant (November 13, 2022)

LUKE 20:27-38


In the name + of Jesus.

     In a series of challenges against Jesus, the Sadducees took their turn.  The Sadducees were the temple priests, but they were more politicians that priests.  They craved power and wealth.  Being worldly, they rejected the existence of angels and the resurrection of the body.  So, when the Sadducees came to Jesus, they were not curious about the resurrection.  Rather, they came to mock the very idea of one.

     It would be nice if we could bypass their rejection of the resurrection as some trivial oddity.  But we hear less and less about the resurrection of the dead even in Christian churches.  Funerals should be the one place where the hope of the resurrection is proclaimed.  Instead, funerals have turned into a celebration of the person and the life which was lived rather than delivering the comfort of the life of the world to come.

     Some Christians talk about reincarnation more than resurrection even though reincarnation is a Hindu teaching.  Reincarnation is appealing because people love this world and want to keep it.  People assume that they have lived a good enough life that they will return to this world in a higher place, in other words, attaining greater earthly glory.  In truth, if our rewards came through reincarnation, we should all come back as slugs; for our sins are many.  None of us has overcome jealousy, anger, impatience, or selfishness.  Reincarnation denies the resurrection of the body.  It rejects the fact that God created you to uniquely be the human you are for this time and in this place and that you will be you for all eternity.  But—God be praised!—you are not trapped in a cycle of death and reincarnation.  You are children of the resurrection.

     The Sadducees assumed that any eternal life would be just like this life.  So, they presented a worldly scenario in which a woman, through the course of time, was married to seven brothers.  God’s Law had called for every married man to have his name and his line preserved through his children.  So, if a man died without a child, his brother was to father a child through his wife, and that child would be regarded as the dead brother’s child.  As the Sadducees told their story, seven brothers all had taken this woman as a wife, but none of them ever fathered a child.  Finally, the woman died, too.  So, as if they were actually seeking an honest answer, the Sadducees concluded, In the resurrection, … whose wife will the woman be?  For the seven had her as wife” (Luke 20:33).

     Jesus explained that life in time and life in eternity will be different.  Life in this world is full of sorrow and pain.  Even the Sadducees’ story acknowledged that.  Can you imagine the strife, stress, and sorrow that woman would have gone through to have seven husbands die?  She also never had a child to help her in her old age.  In this life, we endure loss of friends, loss of family, loss of property, loss of health, loss of hearing and eyesight and memory, and finally, we lose our life.  Such things may be common, but they are painful.

     Everything God had made was very good—and there is still good in much of it—but all of it was corrupted when sin entered the world.  Our bodies are good, but sin has corrupted them so they age, break down, and die.  Marriage was established and blessed by God, but every marriage takes work as two sinners fight off their selfish desires to serve one another.  Sometimes the sinful desires win and the marriage fails.  God created people to have a loving relationship with him, but sin has ruined that, too.  Sin causes us to be insulted that God thinks he should have anything to say about how we live our lives—even though God is the source of life.  Sin causes us to defy God with our actions and attitudes.  Sin causes us to fear his judgment.  Finally, sin produces death.  

     Everyone wants a better life than that.  Dear Christians, you have such a future!  Jesus came to restore everything ruined by sin.  He removed your sin from you.  The Lord took on a human body so that he could deliver our human bodies from the corruption of sin and the chains of death.  Jesus bore our sin and gave himself into death.  Jesus was not only put to death at the cross, he was put under God’s judgment at the cross.  And the full curse for all sin was emptied out there. 

     Jesus gave his life into death so that he would overcome death.  Then he rose from the grave, never to die again.  Jesus died in shame and weakness, only to rise with a body that lives in a glory that will never pass away.  Jesus submitted to beatings and bruises and bleeding, only to rise from the dead with a body that will never suffer any harm, any pain, or any affliction again.  Death does not own Jesus; Jesus is the master over death.  Jesus lives and forgives all your sins.  He has reconciled you to God and restored that relationship.  Jesus is the resurrection and the life, and all who believe in Jesus will be delivered out of death and raised up to life everlasting. 

     The Sadducees assumed that the next life would be just like this life.  Dear Christians, you have been delivered from being raised from the dead only to return to a corrupt life and wicked world.  Jesus will deliver you to a new life that is superior to everything in this world.  He will restore all things back to perfection.  Jesus will deliver you to a Paradise that is free from any problem you encounter now.  You will have a perfected body which can never die and will never get sick.  Your mind will be in complete harmony with God’s will, and your heart will have a perfect love for the Lord and for others.  Joy will never be interrupted with sadness.  Glory will never marred by shame.  Peace will never be lost to conflict or anxiety.  You will be with your risen Lord forever, for you are children of the resurrection.

     That’s not to say we are ungrateful the blessings God gives in this life.  But some are just for this life.  Jesus explained to the Sadducees, “The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage, but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage, for they cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection” (Luke 20:34-36).  God established marriage for this life because it is not good for the man to be alone.  He binds the man to his wife.  Then he blesses them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1).  That blessing still stands.  It drives our desire to procreate to assure that the world will have people living on it for generations to come.  That blessing and that drive to procreate are properly fulfilled within marriage, which is why God established marriage for this life.

     You are children of the resurrection.  Once you and I have been raised, we will be like the angels.  We will be perfected in glory, and we will have no need to procreate to add to the numbers in heaven.  Just as the number of angels is set, so will be the number of the redeemed.  Therefore, there is no need for people to be married off in the glories of heaven.  But that is not to say that there is no wedding. 

     As children of the resurrection, you will be brought to the wedding banquet of the Lamb.  You will recline with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the whole company of heaven to feast with your Lord for all eternity.  The Bride of Christ, which is the Church, is clothed in beautiful garments, which is baptism.  Through baptism into Jesus’ name, you have been clothed with garments of salvation.  The heavenly Groom, Jesus, will come again to receive his holy Bride, and there will be joy for Christ and his Church forevermore.  Of course, we already get to partake in that feast already.  We kneel at the altar where we receive the heavenly food.  It is the same feast that is shared by all the saints who have gone before us.  While our celebrations are interrupted by our labors in this sinful world, their celebration goes on in unending joy.  That joy will be yours soon enough, for you are children of the resurrection.

     Jesus’ final statement to the Sadducees is intriguing.  He said, “That the dead are raised, even Moses showed, in the passage about the bush, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.  Now he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for all live to him” (Luke 20:37-38).  Of course, the point is that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, though long gone from this life, still live with God in glory.  Now, I suppose you could argue that this does not prove the resurrection.  Their souls have gone to be with the Lord, but their bodies are still dust. 

     Jesus, however, says that this proves the resurrection of the dead.  Could it be that once we pass out of this time, we are immediately transported to eternity with bodies and souls already restored?  It is possible.  If they feast, they must have bodies; for spirits can’t eat.  But we don’t know how things work when we pass from time into eternity.  We only know this world and the time that passes in it.  From what we see, people die and their bodies turn to dust.  After a period of time, those bodies will be raised on the Last Day.  That is what we experience.  But what did Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the saints of the past experience when they closed their eyes in death?  We can say that they are with the Lord because the Bible says so.  They live forever and they will never again know sorrow, pain, or death.  The Bible tells us that, too.  But whether death fast-forwards us to the day of resurrection or not, we can’t say. 

     What we can say for sure is what the Scriptures reveal.  We are safe when we take our stand there.  The Scriptures state that when we die, the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7).  But God did not design us to have our soul separate from our bodies.  Death rips those apart.  Since Jesus has come to restore all things to perfection, he will reunite bodies and souls so that we will be whole as God designed us to be.  Jesus became a man to be the way for mankind to escape death.  He rose a body and soul man to show us that we will live as body and soul people in the glories of heaven. 

     You are children of the resurrection.  Jesus Christ has come to secure a life for you which is far better than any life you can imagine here.  Jesus Christ will come again to deliver you to that beautiful life.  And—God be praised!—those who have passed out of this life trusting in Jesus already have it.  What they are celebrating now, you and I pray for each day.  And Jesus Christ will guard and keep you to bring you there.

In the name of the Father and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

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