Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Bible Bits -- Job 11

The patriarch Job suffered intensely, apparently for no reason at all.  While God reveals the reason in chapters 1-2, those conversations were unknown to Job.  All Job knew is that he was violently robbed of his wealth, his flocks and herds, his servants, his children, his health, his prominence, and his honor.  Job endured all this misery without finding fault with God.

Well, eventually, Job's anguish began to pour out.  He demanded to know from God why he was being treated so badly.  He maintained his innocence and was confident of his faithfulness to God.  

Job had three friends who came to visit him.  They each believed they knew the reason for Job's suffering.  In each case, they believed Job was getting his just desserts.  They believed that God works by karma--you suffer for the bad you do.  Consider the words of one of Job's friends:  "For you say, ‘My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in God's eyes.’  But oh, that God would speak and open his lips to you, and that he would tell you the secrets of wisdom!  For he is manifold in understanding.  Know then that God exacts of you less than your guilt deserves" (Job 11:4-6).

Can you imagine how these words pierced Job's heart?  His friends had no actual charges to bring against Job other than, "You must have done something bad.  God doesn't do this to good people."  Their charges were fabricated, and their observations were heretical.  Where does God promise that we will only experience prosperity if we follow him?  Jesus says the opposite: We will have a cross.  And while the cross will be painful, it will ultimately be good.

The theology of Job's friends is still alive and well today.  Many will teach you that, if you follow God's word, he will pour down so many blessings that you will not be able to keep them all.  But compare that with the Bible.  Ask Moses how much prosperity he saw.  Or Elijah.  Or Jeremiah.  Or the apostles.  Or Jesus.  We know that our glory comes after the resurrection.  We know our treasures are in heaven.  

If God chooses to bless us richly on earth, we will receive it with thanks.  However, God's love is not measured by how well we are feeling or by how prosperous or popular we are.  God's love is revealed in Jesus Christ and his forgiveness.  Job trusted that word despite everything else that he experienced.  His friends trusted their experiences and drew horrible conclusions.

God's word will never fail us, even when our wealth, health, or friends fail us.  The Lord's mercy endures through all of it.

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