Monday, December 4, 2023

Things that make me go HMMMMMMM -- Elephant boats????

It is that time of the year when the air waves are flooded with Christmas carols.  I don't get on board until Thanksgiving has passed (or at least our service the night before Thanksgiving).  

Some Christmas songs are pretty well dated, even if they remain popular.  We still hear people singing songs about their longing for figgy pudding and children who allegedly dream of sugar plums.  But this is not the most grievous, outdated lyric I've encountered.

Consider a portion of the lyrics of "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town."

"With curly-haired dolls that coddle and coo, elephant boats, and kiddie cars, too."


I've asked elderly people if they remember some trendy toy known as elephant boats.  So far, no one has.  I've looked it up on the internet and have found only photos of gondolas in India.  Now, I appeal to the worldwide audience for an answer.  Were "elephant boats" ever a thing?

If it helps to discover the answer, the song appears to have been released in 1934.  Is this some Depression era toy?

Just one of those things that make me go HMMMMMMM.....

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