Sunday, July 28, 2024

Health Update: Chemo begins

It has been a while since I have posted a health update, so here is the most recent news to share.

On Wednesday, July 24, I had a port put in my chest to make treatments easier to receive.  It is quite attractive, if I do say so myself.  (I am lying.)

Tomorrow, July 29, I begin chemotherapy treatments.  I will be at the Assarian Cancer Center in Novi.  Treatments will be a six-hour day, and they are scheduled every three weeks.  The Monday treatments are strategic, assuming that I will feel fairly normal by the time next Sunday rolls around.  I do not know how it will affect me during the week.  Nausea?  Fatigue?  Other?  The only consistent answer I get is that "it is different for everyone."  So, while I appreciate the advice I am begin given by people who have experienced it before, they also acknowledge that it may not work that way for me.  This is uncharted territory.

The most frustrating part of this is not knowing if or when I will be able to serve in my various duties.  I will try to be available and retain as normal a schedule as I can, but I don't know if my body will allow for anything close to that--at least for the first week after the chemo treatments.  I am hoping weeks two and three will be able to be somewhat normal.

Right now, I am still feeling good.  I suspect that will change shortly.

I am grateful for so many people who are praying for me.  God bless and keep you all.

In Christ,
Pastor Thomas E. Schroeder

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