Monday, September 30, 2024

Health Update -- Chemo & Immunotherapy

This morning was my final chemo treatment (#4).  After this, treatments will continue with infusions for immunotherapy.  They will still be every 3rd Monday, but the duration of the infusion will be much shorter than the chemo treatments (2 hours vs. 5-6 hours).  

The immunotherapy treatments will endure for a year.  It remains to be seen what kind of reactions I will have.  I have been told that some have developed a rash.  Others have nausea.  Others get fatigued.  I guess I will have to learn by experience what effects I will face, but I am hoping that it will be minimal and that my schedule will not need to be altered because of it.

I had a PET scan back on September 20, and the results were very good.  My oncologist, Dr. Manam, said that they were not only improved, but much improved.  I am grateful for that.  Since I never felt bad to begin with, it was hard to know if I was getting better.  According to Dr. Manam, things are better.

I am grateful that the Lord has spared me from some rather difficult treatments and after-effects that are common in many others.  I am grateful for doctors who pursued their concerns and caught everything early so that my condition was not beyond help.  I am grateful for so many who have expressed their concerns and offered up their prayers.  And I am hoping that these treatments will allow me to continue to in my various vocations for many years to come.  But even if everything falls apart health-wise, I am still in God's hands, and that is a good place to be.

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