Thursday, May 30, 2024

Biopsy results

The following letter was sent out as an email to the members of Good Shepherd and other groups as well.  Since this is now public knowledge, I will leave it here for the cyberworld.

Late afternoon yesterday (May 29), I had the consultation regarding my biopsy from two weeks ago.  I suspect that the hack at Ascension Hospital delayed things a bit.  Even yesterday, the doctor had to make calls to get the results to him.  (If the biopsy comes as news to you, I did not bother to say anything until there were results to report.)

In short, the results are not good.  I was informed that the biopsy reveals that I have squamous cell carcinoma, which is a form of lung cancer.  It is rarely seen in people who do not smoke.  He informed me that it is Stage 3, which may have more to do with where the lymph node is than how much it has spread.  To determine how much it has spread or to find its origins, I am scheduling a full body PET scan (still trying to contact the scheduling department; I left one message so far this morning).

There have been no discussions regarding treatment yet, other than being told that surgery will not be an option.  I suppose scheduling treatments will come after the PET scan.

For now, I feel fine.  I have an occasional coughing fit, but even those occur less frequently than before.  I don't anticipate any change in my schedule until treatments start getting penned into my calendar.  The slower summer schedule will help.

I thank you in advance for your prayers.

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