Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Worship Notes for Ascension Day

            The Paschal Candle is lit for all Divine Services during the forty days from Easter Sunday to Ascension Day.  It reminds us how the Risen Savior, the Light of the World, dwelled with his apostles for forty days following his resurrection. 

            On Sunday, May 12, we will celebrate the Ascension of our Lord, transferred from Thursday, May 9.  The readings will note Jesus’ visible departure from this world.  He has ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.

            Jesus’ departure is symbolized by the departure of the Paschal Candle from the nave as the gospel lesson is read.  Although it is carried out of our sight, its light is not extinguished.  For, though Jesus is no longer visible to his Church, the Light of the word has not been extinguished.  He is with us whenever we gather in his name to receive his blessings and salvation through the word rightly preached and the sacrament rightly administered.

             The Paschal Candle will be lit for any baptisms and funerals conducted the remainder of the year, proclaiming that we are baptized and buried in Christ.

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