Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Things that make me go ARRRRGGGGHHHH -- Shepherd

This is a public service announcement for whomever it may concern.  Please note the difference in the following words:

SHEPARD -- Shepard Smith is an anchor on CNBC.  Alan Shepard was an astronaut who was the first American in space and later walked on the moon.

SHEPPARD -- Sheppard is an indie pop band from Australia.  Sheppard is also the name of a software company which makes games to help children with learning.  Their stuff looks pretty cool, actually.

SHEPHERD -- One who tends a flock of sheep; a sheep-herder.  

Jesus declared, "I am the Good Shepherd."  Thus, the name of our congregation is Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church.

This is a common mistake I am hoping to make less common.  Thank you for your time and attention.

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