Friday, June 14, 2024

Health Update: From June 13 appointment

Yesterday, we met the oncologist to determine what the next course of action will be regarding my Stage 3 lung cancer.  I had a PET scan taken on June 4.  We were to learn the results of that.  The hacking of the Ascension Hospital system is still making everything slow, so the doctor did not have access to the PET scan.  He told us that he would read it later that afternoon and inform us about it.  As of this writing, that still has not happened.

What I was able to do was to have some blood tests, one of which tests for cell mutation.  We scheduled an appointment with a radiation oncologist for next week.  We also have an order put in for an MRI on my brain which may or may not happen, depending on the reading of the PET scan.  If it does happen, the order was marked "Stat," so that could happen next week, too.

There is no concrete plan regarding treatments, either what they will be or when they will begin.  We anticipate that there will be no treatments until after July 4.

For now, we still wait for more results and for more questions to be answered.

I am still in God's hands, and that is a good place to be.

Updates will continue as there is any information to pass along.

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