Sunday, June 16, 2024

Local Tourist -- Motor Muster at Greenfield Village

On Saturday, June 15, the Local Tourist, the Mrs., and the youngest of the children went to Greenfield Village for Motor Muster.  We were hopeful to hear some ragtime music which has been offered at Motor Muster in the past.  Instead, they were advertising 70's rock, but that happened later in the day so we missed that.

My goal was to find a 1966 Chevy Bel-Air or a 1964 Chevy Impala.  Those are the first cars I remember my Dad driving.  I remember the Bel-Air having a spring popping through the vinyl behind the driver.  I managed to not cut myself on it, even though I also remember my Dad often saying, "Stop kicking the seat!"  Still, I am almost certain that I was not responsible for the spring breaking and poking out.

Alas, neither the Bel-Air nor the Impala were on display.  Below is a fraction of the cars that were on display.

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