Monday, June 3, 2024

In the books: Seeing God's Heart

Here is a nice, little book recently published by Northwestern Publishing House.  "Seeing God's Heart" offers up a brief summary of God's revealed love to sinners.  Each chapter can be used for a daily devotion, allowing the reader to complete the book in less than a month.  Voracious readers would probably complete the book in one sitting.  I prefer a chapter at a time, which gives time to ruminate on the thoughts in it.

While all the chapters are short and make for bite-sized reading, they are not fluff.  Anecdotes are used sparingly, keeping the focus on God's work rather than our observations or experiences.  Repeatedly, Pastor Wiedmann points to the various ways that our Lord demonstrates his love to us.  He highlights how God revealed his saving grace throughout the Old Testament, how he fulfilled all his promises through Jesus Christ, how he applies that love to sinners in Holy Baptism, how he feeds God's people that love in Holy Communion, and how we can pour out our concerns to a loving Father in prayer.

This book is a wonderful way to introduce curious people to the benefits of the Christian faith and the certainty of God's love for them.  It is also a worthy read for Christians, whether they are struggling with doubts or they want to be confirmed in their faith.

Our congregation has a Little Library which we occasionally stock with certain books, hoping that people will take to heart the words and promises of God through the books we leave there.  "Seeking God's Heart" by Pastor Lynn E. Wiedmann will be added to that list of books.

If you would like to read an interview with the author, conducted through Northwestern Publishing House, check out this link:

NOTE: The opinions expressed in this post are those of the author in exchange for a free copy of this book provided by Northwestern Publishing House.

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