Saturday, June 8, 2024

Local Tourist -- Belle Isle

On Thursday, the Local Tourist and his Mrs. found themselves on the east side of Detroit.  We had attempted to visit the War Memorial on Lake St. Clair, but there was a funeral being conducted there.  I took one photo of the building (first photo), but we did not pass through to the memorial structure on the lake front.

We continued to drive down Jefferson Avenue until we got to Belle Isle.  We drove to the James Scott Fountain and took a few photos in that area.  It was a pretty windy day, so you can see the water being blown to one side.  A prettier day would produce prettier photos -- except the photo of the Mrs.  She always looks good.

Windsor, Ontario on the left; Detroit, Michigan on the right.  
If you expand the photo, you can see the Ambassador Bridge connecting the two.

Best photo of the day!

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