Friday, August 30, 2024

Archaeological find and the Bible: The crimson worm

Here is a neat article which speaks of an archaeological find that connects with the Scriptures.  There are numerous places where the Bible speaks about dying cloth a red or crimson color.  Most notably, we find it with God's instructions about the tabernacles cloth covering, for example: “Moreover, you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen and blue and purple and scarlet yarns; you shall make them with cherubim skillfully worked into them" (Exodus 26:1).

While there is no reason to doubt the Lord's instructions regarding the curtains of the tabernacle and Israel's faithfulness in dying them the appropriate colors, archaeologists have found bits of red-dyed cloth which are likened to the ones used by Israel for their tabernacle.  Testing even reveals the source of the dye, the crimson worm.

While we do not trust archaeology to prove anything in the Bible (findings are not always reliable or can be interpreted in conflicting ways), it is wonderful to see the Bible repeatedly confirmed through archaeological discoveries.

Discovery of 3,800-year-old artifact mentioned in Bible story (

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