Saturday, August 31, 2024

Health Update -- New schedule

A trip to the oncologist this past Thursday revealed a new schedule (at least, new to me).  What was scheduled to be six weeks of chemotherapy has been reduced to four weeks.  So, I am halfway through, which is nice.

That was followed by the oncologist saying that I will have infusions for immunotherapy every third week for a year.  A year.  Okay.

I am guessing that the infusions will not be as debilitating as chemo has been.  At least, I hope so.  

I will be having a PET scan in mid-September to see what three treatments of chemo have accomplished so far.  Radiation is not out of the question, but that depends on what the PET scan shows.

Is this all good news?  I suppose so, but for me is just what is on the schedule for the coming year.  There are still some questions, but they will be answered as we progress.  No matter what, I am in God's hands, and that is a good place to be.

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