Thursday, August 22, 2024

Health Update -- Has the pattern been set?

My second chemo treatment was completed on Monday, August 19.  Everything went well.  I felt going in and coming out.

The hiccups returned on Tuesday, although not as bad as the first time.  Some meds also helped to curtail the hiccups and allowed for better sleep.  

But, it seems the pattern will be that I will be utterly useless on Wednesday and into Thursday following the chemo treatment.  I avoided the fever this time, which also meant I avoided the hospital stay.  But once the fatigue kicked in, it seems that I will need a good 48 hours to feel human again.

One additional challenge to this round of treatment was that Peter needed to go through testing for a optical nerve.  That involved and MRI and an MRV.  That was followed up by a spinal tap because of spinal fluid putting pressure on his head.  So, while I was crashed out, Laura and Peter were in the hospital for an overnight stay.  That also meant Laura missed the first day of school at St. Paul's.

But Peter came home Wednesday night and Laura was able to get to school today.  And I am almost human.  So, things are looking up.  God be praised.

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