Sunday, March 1, 2015


I have done precious little to promote this little LutheranSubject blog.  It is primarily a place to post my sermons.  Occasionally, I have posted some pastoral concerns.  In this way, the blog has replaced Good Shepherd's long defunct newsletter.  Of course, these pastoral concerns and similar articles have not been published with the same consistency as a newsletter, either.  I guess that means there has been less pressure to produce a monthly article.  Articles are now produced as the topic seemed urgent and the timing was permissible.

In any case, as of today, this blog has officially surpassed the 10,000 pages viewed mark.  I consider that astounding, as those who have found it have probably found it by accident rather than on purpose.  Hopefully, this blog has produced some articles, sermons, etc.... that have proven worth people's time to read through.

It would be nice to know who's been out there, especially if you have been a somewhat regular lurker.  If you would be so inclined, please let me know you who are in the comments section.  Name and city/state/country would be nice.

For what it's worth, the top 5 blog posts of all time are:
1)  Christmas Carols (secular), the Gold Standard
2)  Sermon -- 13th Sunday after Pentecost (August 18, 2013)

3)  Local Tourist, Edsel and Eleanor Ford Estate

4)  Local Tourist, Detroit Ren Cen and Riverwalk

5)  MLS football vs. Merrill (October 5, 2013)

I really don't know what conclusions to draw from that. But since I included them here, they will probably get a boost in page hits and build on their lead.

Thanks for checking in.  I will try to keep making it worth your while.  God bless you!

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